Built In Advertising 

All New Sani products dispensers come with built in advertising capabilities

Versatile Placement

New Sani products are easy and convenient for you and your customers.  Therefor there are multiple ways for you to mount them in your stores or service areas.  With so many different ways and places to mount New Sani dispensers they can always be in reach of a customer.

Built In Advertising

Advertising is built right into the dispensers for New Sani products.  With a large header space that can be quickly and frequently changed to promote company and/or vendor campaigns and take advantage of a valuable traffic area.  This offers you simple and effective means of communication with customers while generating profit.

Generate Revenue

We created a way for you to generate revenue while keeping your customers healthy with the ability to use Co-op POS, mirror your social media and customer loyalty campaigns.  You can use the dispenser display to sell advertising space to vendors or other business.  Our dispensers each come with a large, quick change display space for you to use.


Ad Customization Is Easy


You can add any number of different deals and images quickly and easily with our Quick Change system!


New Sani products and dispensers offer a unique combination of usability, function and protection!